Monday, March 31, 2008

God Works On His Time Frame!

On Sunday at approximately 1600 hrs I was dispatched to a local business who had a complaint of some local homeless men drinking and trespassing at the back of their business. My zone partner was on scene just a minute or so ahead of me and as I approached on the main road I could see three of our local homeless man walking southbound on the main street away from the business.

As I pulled my marked patrol unit into the business parking lot I spoke with my partner and told her that I had seen three homeless men walking southbound. My zone partner yelled back; "Yeah, but you need to come over here". Now, for a brief second I thought to myself, "what's the deal, she can't shoo a few homeless people out on her own?" As I approached the back of the business with my partner she yelled for one man to come out of small shed. The man exited and my partner indicated that she knew him by name, "Michael" a local homeless man whom she had not seen in a couple of years. I noticed almost immediately that this man did not seen like he was one of the regular homeless, this guy seemed different. Many of the local homeless have lost the sparkle to their eyes, covered in alcohol and soiled. This man was clean shaven, did not reek of alcohol (but did have possession of a couple of unopened beer cans) and did have a sparkle in his eyes (and no, it was not glassed over).

As I asked him questions, I noticed that he was respectful and that there was just something different about him. I told "Michael" that I needed to conduct a Field Interview Card (FIC) on him and was going to issue him a trespass warning for the business and to follow me over to my patrol vehicle.

I thought to myself, "man I would love the opportunity to 'speak" with this guy" about his status and more importantly about God's love for him, what his purpose in life is all about, and how he's sees himself as giving back to God. These are usually the three things that I will discuss with people with whom God lays on my heart this desire to speak with.

As I thought about this, I also thought that I could not discuss this matter with my zone partner present and thought that I would like to have some alone time to complete my FIC, Trespass Warning, and speak to this man. At that exact moment, the alert tone on our radio went off. "beep...beep...beep". This is our alert tone for a crime in progress and is most often used for a hold up or an armed robbery of some type. In fact, it was a report of a strong armed robbery taking place with screaming in the background. My zone partner said; "gotta go" and took off.

Now alone with Michael and after a few minutes of the standard line of questioning I asked Michael "what did he see as his purpose in life?" Michael replied "What do you mean?" I noticed that Michael had a tattoo of a cross on his left hand. I asked him "what about that cross tattooed on your hand, do you believe that you were created by God?" Michael replied "Yes I am a Christian".

I asked Michael, "then how do you think that you should honor God and give back to him for creating you?". Michael thought for a moment and said, " Well sir, I don't know, honestly I've never thought about God like that before". I explained to Michael that God created you for a specific purpose that God gave each one of us special gifts and talents and that we should use those gifts to honor him and not to honor ourselves. I told Michael that he was not honoring his creator by being homeless and drunk all day long. Michael agreed. Then I noticed that Michael had a gleam in his eye and said; "I believe that God gave me the ability to play music". I love music, and until I sold my guitar for beer money I played Christian music".

Tears began to weld up in Michael's eyes and he said; "Sir, I've made some very bad mistakes in my life". As I finished up the FIC card and the computer checks, I told Michael that I was not here to condemn him. I showed Michael a bracelet that I wear. On the bracelet is the words "Forgiven". I asked Michael to read these words, and tell me what do they say? Michael read the bracelet and stated slowly the words, "Forgiven". I said, "Michael, God has already forgiven you for the sins that you (and I) have committed but you have never forgiven yourself". Tears began to flow now down both sides of Michael eyes.

Michael said, "Sir, tell me again why did you come here today". Seizing this opportunity I told Michael that "God sent me here to tell you clean yourself up, go to a quite place alone, get on your knees and get right with God, and go and forth and give back to your creator for the things that he has given you". I handed Michael a "You Have the Right to Remain Silent" tract and give him directions to visit a local church and the name of one of our department chaplains who is a pastor at that church.

Michael said, "Sir, I do believe that God sent you here to me today to talk to me". I have never had another police officer ever talk to me like you did, thank you".

I tried to hurry Michael along because I wanted to go help the other four patrol units and our helicopter go look for this armed robber as I put my car in drive, Michael said, "Sir, can I shake your hand one more time?" I put my foot on the brake and shook Michael's hand again and he said, "Sir I promise you that I will go and pray and think about you said". Michael asked, "how can I reach you?".

I told Michael to not worry about trying to reach me that the best gift for me would be for me not to see him out here on the streets anymore and that one day we would see one another in heaven. Michael looked down at the ground and shook his head in acknowledgment. I told Michael that I had to go now, but that I would pray for him and told him "God Bless" as I drove away. Michael said; "No sir, God bless you".

As I pulled out of the business parking lot I turned my patrol car to the north and started to head in the general direction of the armed robbery call that my partner had hurriedly rushed off to. I checked my MDC computer at the call. I noticed that all the patrol units were now cancelled and cleared off the call. I looked at the complaint on the call and it said; "Unknown". Comments by the dispatchers and officers into the CAD call read; "Searched parking lot of any witnesses and victim, no flag down and no witnesses". Dispatchers did make contact with a female caller who stated that she did not want any help, that there was no crime, and did not wish to speak with any police officers". I shook my head in amazement and stated "Thank you God for giving me time with Michael".

Say what you will, but I believe that God created a time frame in a instant for me to speak with Michael.

Some Questions For Review

Bible verse for reading: Hebrews 13:2 " Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it"
  • Can you allow God to create time for you to work on the spiritual needs of those in your community who are hurting?
  • What words can you say to help those who have needs like Michael?
  • Can you see pass the obvious to those who are spiritual in need of Christ's salvation and love?
  • Would you have seen Michael as just another 'homeless drunk'?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great testimony Mike! I get questions from time to time from other Christian officers on how to reach out. This is a perfect example...

In His name.