The following e-mail was sent to me from a police officer and Christian friend who was recently involved in an officer involved shooting. He asked that I allow other officers to read his e-mail in order to glorify God. Some of the events have been changed.
Dear Mike,
Well, I’d like to share a bible verse that assured me that God was with me that day and everyday. I was reading the book of Isaiah and chapter 52:12 caught my attention: But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard. (NIV) I interpreted this verse as God will never make me retreat in shame but lead me to victory because he’s got my 360. As I moved on to read the remaining chapters in Isaiah, I kept on reading this particular verse.
During the incident, things unraveled so fast that I had no time to think but react to the situation at hand. As I entered the store, I announced my presence and the Masked Bandit, without hesitation, ran toward me with his butcher knive at the ready. The rest is history.
After the incident, I kept on thinking about the what-ifs: What if my gun had jammed; what if I hesitated, what if he had a gun instead of a knife. The most likely answer to all the above questions is that at least I would be stabbed on my left collar bone with an approx. 8 inch blade.
While I was reading the Bible, I read Isaiah 52:12 again. Then, I realized that God was covering my 360 and nothing else would have happened. Everything that happened was in my favor. I can’t explain anymore how God had protected me that day, but if God was with you, you’d know, too. I guess it was foolish that I even thought about the what-ifs and probably says a lot about my faith in him.
Some people in the office call me a hero, but I’m not. I’m just glad that it’s over. God is the hero and may all the glory go to him. Just remember, David killed Goliath with 1 stone. If God can make a young teenage boy took down a giant, nothing is impossible for him. PRAISE THE LORD!
When you put on your uniform and go out to "protect and serve" just remain faithful in pray and remember Isaiah 52:12.
Dear Mike,
Well, I’d like to share a bible verse that assured me that God was with me that day and everyday. I was reading the book of Isaiah and chapter 52:12 caught my attention: But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard. (NIV) I interpreted this verse as God will never make me retreat in shame but lead me to victory because he’s got my 360. As I moved on to read the remaining chapters in Isaiah, I kept on reading this particular verse.
During the incident, things unraveled so fast that I had no time to think but react to the situation at hand. As I entered the store, I announced my presence and the Masked Bandit, without hesitation, ran toward me with his butcher knive at the ready. The rest is history.
After the incident, I kept on thinking about the what-ifs: What if my gun had jammed; what if I hesitated, what if he had a gun instead of a knife. The most likely answer to all the above questions is that at least I would be stabbed on my left collar bone with an approx. 8 inch blade.
While I was reading the Bible, I read Isaiah 52:12 again. Then, I realized that God was covering my 360 and nothing else would have happened. Everything that happened was in my favor. I can’t explain anymore how God had protected me that day, but if God was with you, you’d know, too. I guess it was foolish that I even thought about the what-ifs and probably says a lot about my faith in him.
Some people in the office call me a hero, but I’m not. I’m just glad that it’s over. God is the hero and may all the glory go to him. Just remember, David killed Goliath with 1 stone. If God can make a young teenage boy took down a giant, nothing is impossible for him. PRAISE THE LORD!
When you put on your uniform and go out to "protect and serve" just remain faithful in pray and remember Isaiah 52:12.
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