- I received this e-mail from a fellow Deputy Sheriff who works in another county Sheriff's Office here in Florida about 100 miles from me. I thought it was something that every officer who reads this blog could appreciate as we have all been there at one time or another (but not all at once) I immediately called this brother officer to tell him "God Bless" and "WOW" What a week! I also thought of some great Bible passage to go along with this post. Please read them and keep them in mind as you read his e-mail which has been edited for content. Also, this particular Deputy Sheriff does read this blog so feel free to post him a comment of encouragement at the end.
- James 1:12 "God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."
- 2 Corinthians 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness".
- Hebrews 13:5 "For God has said, "I will never leave you or abandon you".
- Isaiah 52:12 " But you will not leave in haste or go in flight; for the lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard. (NIV)
Dear Mike,
Glad to hear from you!! It has been a very rough period for my unit and agency. The State of Florida voted on a massive tax cut back and our people have been on edge for some time, but I have been trying to keep the positive. Our agency is a very lean one. The current sheriff has prided himself on keeping pay at competitive levels and maintaining a strong workforce. Now with the mandated budget cuts, we are looking to laying off a minimum of 25 sworn and 15 civilian staff. If the county gets its demanded reduction in our budget (which I cannot see happening) we will lose 104 deputies and 25 civilian staff!! There has always been a struggle, because as you know Florida Sheriff’s are in charge of their own budget. My Court Security Section is down 25% staff. Okay. This just sets you up for the environment.
Two weeks ago, one of my best and brightest deputies, that worked directly for me at one of our satellite court facilities, asked to go home early when his duties were done. A little while later, he told his wife he was not feeling well and laid down for a nap. His wife went to wake him up for dinner and he was dead. This Deputy was only 31 years old and a fantastic guy; however, though I was working on him, he was not a believer, as far as I can tell. Since his passing, I have heard some disturbing things from some of his friends that leads me to believe he was kind of keeping me humored.
During this deputy’s funeral, I get word that another one of my deputies, had just been taken to the hospital ED for possible cardiac issues. Turns out he has SIGNIFICANT blockage. Part of his heart muscle is calcified. He is still in the hospital and stable. He has had open heart surgery, but they could not take care of everything and he looks to be out for some time.
Another employee I have been having problems with since I got to this unit in July, causing me to activate the progressive discipline program for a number of wild and crazy things not to mention failure to call-in when not showing up for work. This deputy has been here for 11 years and has used ALL ACCRUED LEAVE TIME. Then suddenly this Deputy is served with Admin Leave w/Pay (you know what that means). The following week, we had a felony warrant for this same Deputy on doctor shopping charges where she has fraudulently obtained over 5000 narcotics and other controlled prescriptions.
Then, just last week, One more of my brightest and best and the “Radar O’Reilly” of the Court Security Section dies from a massive heart attack while at home. Danny was 53 years old. He had arranged for the day off to see his doctor about a messed up shoulder. He had been on light duty since December. This guy was fantastic. He knew where everything was, how to get it, how to get it fixed and what to do with it. Just a great guy. He had been with our agency starting as an auxiliary and then to Court Security for 30 years. This guy had it together. He definitely was a Christian and he and I had several conversations about Jesus and how He has worked in our lives.
Then comes today, Danny’s funeral was today at Noon. We had 120 jurors coming in, 85 inmates, and because of budget cuts and light duty staff and etc. we barely had enough to cover critical areas. In fact the Lt. and I were covering those. I call Patrol for assistance to cover during the funeral. The judges who could clear their dockets did, but we would still have some inmates and a couple judges that would have to continue. I was promised three deputies by the Patrol Shift commander.
About 0930 today we get word the construction doing demolition to part of our courthouse had just cut through the elevator power supply and we had jurors stuck on the elevators between floors. As we are getting them out, my daughter’s school calls and she is sick. I go down and verify there is no one else stuck in the elevators. I confirmed, we did a yell to the other elevator and no one answers (you see where this is going). I go pick up my daughter from school and get back to the office with her (cause it will take too long to get her home before the funeral). Get back and see fire/rescue pulling up. I ask what’s going on and they say they got a call from a woman on her cellphone that she is stuck on the elevator. After all the calls to the other elevator, she never answered and she did not use the elevator phone to call for help or ring the bell. Then, when 9-1-1 gets the call they don’t even call us on the radio to let us know that someone called!!
We get the lady out and I get my daughter in the car to go over to the funeral. Just get settled there and the guys I have left at the courthouse (who would not go to the funeral) call me and tell me that now we had a total blackout at the courthouse and that the inmate / holding cell elevator and the judge’s elevators are both stuck. So, I get back in the car, missing my deputy’s funeral, and head back over to the courthouse. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the Patrol Shift Commander “forgot” I called him. When I asked where my relief was about ½ hour before the funeral he said, “Nobody asked me…I don’t know anything about it.” He was surprised when I told him that I had called him directly and requested the personnel and was told, “Don’t worry about it. It is taken care of.”
Okay, so how’s your day!! LOL. Although I am frustrated and tired of the STUFF going on, I still know God has my back. (Isaiah 52:12)
Sorry for such a long e-mail, but I got yours at just the right time. Thanks for being there, Mike. I hope all is going well for you and your family. Looks like God is truly working on your end as well. Take care, brother.
Yours in Christ,
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