Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Dispatched By God - More Real Life Stories from the Streets

Stepping out on faith to speak to someone about Christ can have a life changing impact. Read the following example and feel free to post your own thoughts at the end.

The area that I patrol is a lower to middle class socioeconomic depressed area of my hometown. Contry to popular opinion, the vast marjority of the residents are hard-working descent God fearing people. However, there is also an evil dark side as well.

Recently, I had a young gentleman on a bicycle who often acts as a lookout for drug dealers yell at me as I drove by. This wasn’t the first time that he has yelled at me and each time I have never said or did anything different, I only ignored him and kept on driving by. But this time, as I drove by him only some 5 feet away, he looked directly at me and yelled a very personal statement, he said; "Go Home!"

But this time something was different, I felt the spirit of the Lord calling me to stop. So, I did. I put my patrol vehicle in reverse and starting backing up to him. He turned and looked away in the other direction and began to ride away on his bicycle. I asked him; "What, you don’t like the Police?" He firmly stated, "No!" we looked at each other 'eye to eye' for a moment and I asked him directly what was on my heart. I said; "Do you have the joy of the Lord in your heart?" He stopped and looked directly at me with a confused look. I quickly followed that question up with another and I asked him, "Do you read the Bible?" He stated very proudly "Yes, I do"! I asked, "well, that's good, have you ever read Romans 13 verses 1-5"? By now, this young man's angry face had disapeared and he now had a slight smile coming from his mouth. He replied; "No, what was that verse again?".

I gave him the very short layman's version of the verse, and explained that according to the Bible, policeman are servants of the Lord and we are here to do you good and not harm, so have no fear if you are not doing wrong". The young man rode his bicycle closer to my patrol vehicle and said; "I’ve never had an officer talk about the Bible to me before, I want you to know that I respect you sir". I handed him a gospel track that Chaplain Tony Miano wrote entitled; "You Have the Right to Remain Silent". Before we parted, I told him to read the track and to think about what is written in it. I reminded him to go home and to read his Bible verse on Romans 13 and not to forget that policeman are God’s angels here on earth for some very difficult times. The man agreed stating; "I know that’s right!". Before I drove off I told the young man "May God Bless You". The man replied, "May God Bless You Sir".

Did I make a difference in this young man’s life? Only God knows. I know that I will be looking for him again and quite honestly I hope that I never see him again until that day we meet on heavens side. But until then, have you ever driven by someone like this young man? Have you stopped to think that although this person who is calling you names, maybe is actually calling out to you for help, spiritual help?

Can you image the difference that police officers can make in their cities by witnessing to folks just like this young man.

John Dawson in his 1989 book entitled; "Taking Our Cities For God" writes; " Our new vision of Christian missions must focus on cities. If we want to bring nations to Christ, we must win their cities and the people in them".

Here are some spiritaul 'food for thought' questions for you.

  1. Can we as police officers actually take our cities back from evil and crime meeting individuals head on with a word from the Bible?

  2. Can it be that simple, or do we complicate God word?

  3. Can you muster the spiritual strength to step out on faith and talk to someone like this?

  4. Have you ever spoken to someone like this before?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Role Model or a Role Player for Christ?

Often I am asked where I get the time and the inspiration to write. Well, I must confess that my time is always borrowed time, and the inspiration comes from two sources. First, from God through the saving grace that He has given us. Second, from police officers just like you. The following is one example of this inspiration. Recently, I received an e-mail from an officer who wrote the following statement;
“I want to be a role model for Christ, as I have for so long been a role player. I want to lead by example and show others how God has and continues to work in my life.”

This officer’s simple but true statement touched me and I began to wonder just how many of us are performing as a “role player” versus being a “role model” for Christ? And the second part of that sentence is “what can I do to show others how God has worked in my life?”

There is no doubt that police officer’s are surrounded by evil. Without having a firm and strong spiritual foundation rooted in Jesus Christ we will never achieve the success that God has in store for us. One example of this evil is foul language. As officer’s we have all heard it and many of us (myself included) have been guilty of participating in it. But did you know that the Bible, which is God’s word, speaks directly against using foul language in many different passages. Here are just a few.

Ephesians 4:29 states;
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”

Colossians 3:8 states;
“But now you must put away anger, fury, malice, slander, and obscene language out of your mouths.”

To knowingly use foul language is a sin that is; it is going against God’s word. The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 10:13; “God is faithful. He will keep the temptation from becoming so strong that you can’t stand up against it and when you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it”.

If you want to be a role player for Christ, then you should continue to use foul language and telling crude jokes and keep fitting in with your peers. Don’t let anyone know about the “hope that is in you” 1st Peter 3:15.

To be a role model for Christ is different. Romans 12:2 states:
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” To be a role model for Christ and means to “let your light shine” as we are instructed in Matthew 5:16 to do.

So, make your decision today and let others know that you are a not simply a “role player” for Christ but rather a “role model”. Be the example to show others that God expects us to be. Let others know just how God is working in your life and how much you desire for them to be a part of “the hope that is in you”. Always remember what Romans 6:13 says “Surrender your whole being to Him to be used for righteous purposes”. So, make your decision and make a stand for God, today!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

LifeWay Christian Law Enforcement Conference

Please be in prayer for safe travels as my family and I travel to Ridgecrest, NC this upcoming week to participate in the LifeWay Christian Law Enforcement Summit. While there, I have been asked to speak on Thursday and Friday on developing Bible studies for Law Enforcement Officers. As always, please remain in prayer for ALL of our new as well as existing PeaceKeeper's across North America. Pray that each of these groups will be instrumental in helping to lead officers to life with Christ as well as to show them how to "Police with Godly Purpose". I will return next week with photographs from North Carolina.
In His Service, We Serve!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Dispatched By God?

The Following are excerpts taken from the NEW forthcoming 6 week Bible Study entitled "Dispatched By God". A follow-up to the PeaceKeeper's Bible study.
All of us in law enforcement know what it is like to be dispatched to calls for service. For my first 15 years on the job I was stressed out, depressed, and frustrated about the calls for service that I went on. I was a constant complainer about the lack of support that I was not getting in the "back-up" that I needed to accomplish my job. In fact, I am sure that there are more than a few of you reading this article that may feel the same way that I did. If so, it may because you aren't policing with Christ as your back-up partner.

First Responder For God
Police officers are in a very unique position to reach the lost as what I call "first responders for God". Just like a trained medical personnel are called first responders because they are the ones that medically treat a patient before the physician will ever see them. In essence they are "planting the seeds" of their medical treatment to allow the physician to promote a speeder and a healthier recovery. As a police officer, you are responding to immediate needs of the lost. You are the first responders to see people who have lost their "free will" and instead have allowed the Demons of alcohol, Crack, Meth, Cannabis, and prescription drugs to rule their life. You see the dissolving of the family unit because of these "demons" of addictions. You see the stolen property, burglaries, and prostitution that are fueled because of these addictions. And whether you like it or not, you are on the front lines of a true battle of "Spiritual Warfare". between good and evil, and a battle in which you see Satan laughing at it all. What I'm asking for, in essence is for you to begin using the principles and teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible to help lead "the lost" who you encounter to a life with Christ. In short, your police beat should now become your mission field. You don't need to go to China, Turkey, or any other foreign country to preach the gospel but you can preach and lead, not only your fellow officers to a life with Christ but plant the seeds of salvation for the citizens whom call you for help.
Taking Your City For God
Ephesians 4:27 (New International Version) "and do not give the devil a foothold"
Are you praying for your city and your government leaders? As you are driving your patrol beat, are you praying for your crack houses and bars? Are you praying for the house where you were at 3 times this week for domestics? If not, you're missing out on a large part of what we as Christians DO NOT do and that is PRAY. We have no problem going to God and ask him to help us out with our personal troubles, and even to thank him for the blessings that he has bestowed upon you. But if you are not praying for your "crooks" then who is?
In the community that I patrol there are 14 churches and on Sunday most of them are closed because they are afraid to open. So, who is praying for the drug dealers, the prostitutes, and the other spiritual strongholds? It is me. What about in your community? Tell others here.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Tell Others About Your PeaceKeeper's Group

"In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others". - Romans 12:5 (NIV)

Share your story here about what has happened in your PeaceKeeper's group. Any interesting stories are welcomed.

Share Your Story Being both a "Cop and a Christian"

"God has given each of you some special abilities, Be sure to use them to help each other, passing on to others God's many kinds of blessings" - 1 Peter 4:10 (LB)

Share here your personal testimonies about how God has helped you to reach out to either a citizen or to a fellow officer and how you were able to share the "Good News" of Jesus Christ with others.

Thoughts on the PeaceKeeper's Bible Study Book

Did you enjoy reading the PeaceKeeper's study book for law enforcement officers? Will you share the book with others? Feel fee to post any thoughts on the PeaceKeeper's study book here for all to see.