Thursday, June 21, 2007
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This blog is dedicated to the many PeaceKeeper's Bible Study Groups that are helping to lead "Cops to Christ" and as a way to be available to field questions and interest from other Peacekeeper group leaders around North America and beyond. Additionally, we can discuss new study group materials and personal shared testimonies about being both a "Cop and a Christian".
I started the Claremore, Ok. Chapter of the Peacekeepers group about 6 months ago. It has took some time to get going but currently we are having meetings in Tulsa, Ok and we have three members. We meet once a week and every week it is a great blessing.
Billy Moreland
The Dallas Ft. Worth area we are still meeting in the Red Oak and Midlothian Texas, We meet the first Tuesday of the month, Cops and spouses. The last meeting we cook out and fellowship and talk about the chapter in the book dealing with family we had a great time. God Bless keep the faith my borther, It been hard with all the shift work we do as cops. But I am praying that I will start getting off on Sunday again.
Dallas County Police Officers
I am sorry
Nathan Bickerstaff
I am a police Officer in the Dallas County
I have had the Peacekeepers group for about 2 years now. We are still keeping the faith. Each time we meet we have someone new come and that is what it is all about.
The Cary/ Harnett County NC Chapter will be starting in 2 weeks. I have 5 guys who stated they are comming. Two others have expressed interest. I am looking forward to the great things God has in store for us as we grow as a group and in Him!
Keith Adams
Wow! Treasure Coast PeaceKeepers just had our FIRST meeting on of all days, September 11th. We are meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays each month. I am pumped! I had five show up on the first night. and three others that simply could not be there. We have had a lot of interest. My church, Westside Baptist, is really behind us and very supportive. I started a website (tcpeacekeepers.org), but it is VERY infantile right now, but I hope to make it a secondary source for the officers if they can't make a session. God bless and keep the faith.
The Brevard County Peacekeepers Study is begining on Nov. 5, 2007. We will be meeting at 7 PM at Calvary Chapel in West Melbourne. We will meet the first Monday of every month at 7 PM at Calvary Chapel. Come by and check us out or the Treasure Coast Study if you are further south. It is an aweome study. Meet others from various agencies. For details contact: Gmwarden@earthlink.net
The Lake County Peace Keepers Study will start on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 6:30pm. We will be meeting every Monday. We will meet at the Umatilla Library located at 412 Hatfield Dr., Umatilla, Florida. If you need direction or anything, feeel free to send me an email. fearthisbadboy@aol.com
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