I don't like to use this post to air complaints on fellow Christians, and personally I believe that we as Christian spend way too much time arguing about nothing. However, I feel the need to air my frustration at particular Christian writers, pastors, and others who like to complain that some of us, as Christians spend to much time placing blame on satan for everything that goes wrong. While I agree we should not blame satan for everything, nor do I always feel that satan is hiding around every corner. However, we must not forget what God's word in 1st Peter 5:8 tells us about satan; " Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." So, hiding around every corner? Maybe, yes! Should we be alert and on-guard for satan, you bet!
Recently, I read an article in Charism, a Christian magazine. In the article entitled; 'Stop Blaming the Devil'. http://charismamag.com/cms/spiritledliving/063008.php The author of the article writes the following statement; " One area in which the perceptions of believers do not line up with the truth relates to our understanding of how we are to deal with the devil. Many Christians believe we should order Satan around with great fervor, frequency and volume. Satan cooperates with this deception, conceding victories whenever necessary to perpetuate the lie that God's people need to battle him for everything God has promised them. This deception keeps earnest Christians too busy with Satan to focus on humbling and surrendering themselves to God"
Okay, overall maybe a fair statement except for the line that I have highlighted in bold which states; "Satan cooperates with this deception, conceding victories whenever necessary to perpetuate the lie that God's people need to battle him for everything God has promised them". Whether the writer just simply had an error in judgement or I have simply misunderstood the article in general. Nethertheless, It is a statement that I have heard many times before from some Christian believers who like to complain about our God-given victories over satan.
To get right to the point, I don't believe there any scripture in the Bible that gives Satan equal authority (or more authority) than God. I don't agree that satan has the power (or the authority) to 'concede any victories' as a way to deceive us from taking away God's blessed victories. I believe the writer in this article is elevating the devil to a higher position of authority and status than God would ever allow, much less agree with. The Bible in Ephesians 4:27 tells us: "and do not give the devil a foothold." this also includes undue praise!
If this wasn't enough. The writer of the article goes on to make the statement; "God is telling us that what will bring about the healing of the land is His people's turning away from wrong attitudes and self-centeredness. He does not say anything about warring with Satan to heal the land"
Fact is fact, the Bible makes clear that we are at war with satan and that he is our enemy. Anytime that you pray to God and ask for His will to be done you are, in effect, at war with satan and by the very fact "ordering satan around". And I don't agree that because we are at war with satan, we have the both self-centeredness and a wrong attitude. The Bible makes over 100 references to satan our enemy. Additionally, if the writer is making reference to Christians praying to satan well, that is a ridiculous statement. There is no Christian that I know who is praying to satan. Given authority over satan as a Christian you bet. Luke 10:19 states: " have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." Verse 20 states: "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." So, do not become conceited for the work that you do for the Lord. If this was what the author was trying to say by using the words" self-centerdeness" and a "wrong attitude" then I will buy it. But he needs to simplify his writing for dummies like me.
Recently, I read an article in Charism, a Christian magazine. In the article entitled; 'Stop Blaming the Devil'. http://charismamag.com/cms/spiritledliving/063008.php The author of the article writes the following statement; " One area in which the perceptions of believers do not line up with the truth relates to our understanding of how we are to deal with the devil. Many Christians believe we should order Satan around with great fervor, frequency and volume. Satan cooperates with this deception, conceding victories whenever necessary to perpetuate the lie that God's people need to battle him for everything God has promised them. This deception keeps earnest Christians too busy with Satan to focus on humbling and surrendering themselves to God"
Okay, overall maybe a fair statement except for the line that I have highlighted in bold which states; "Satan cooperates with this deception, conceding victories whenever necessary to perpetuate the lie that God's people need to battle him for everything God has promised them". Whether the writer just simply had an error in judgement or I have simply misunderstood the article in general. Nethertheless, It is a statement that I have heard many times before from some Christian believers who like to complain about our God-given victories over satan.
To get right to the point, I don't believe there any scripture in the Bible that gives Satan equal authority (or more authority) than God. I don't agree that satan has the power (or the authority) to 'concede any victories' as a way to deceive us from taking away God's blessed victories. I believe the writer in this article is elevating the devil to a higher position of authority and status than God would ever allow, much less agree with. The Bible in Ephesians 4:27 tells us: "and do not give the devil a foothold." this also includes undue praise!
If this wasn't enough. The writer of the article goes on to make the statement; "God is telling us that what will bring about the healing of the land is His people's turning away from wrong attitudes and self-centeredness. He does not say anything about warring with Satan to heal the land"
Fact is fact, the Bible makes clear that we are at war with satan and that he is our enemy. Anytime that you pray to God and ask for His will to be done you are, in effect, at war with satan and by the very fact "ordering satan around". And I don't agree that because we are at war with satan, we have the both self-centeredness and a wrong attitude. The Bible makes over 100 references to satan our enemy. Additionally, if the writer is making reference to Christians praying to satan well, that is a ridiculous statement. There is no Christian that I know who is praying to satan. Given authority over satan as a Christian you bet. Luke 10:19 states: " have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." Verse 20 states: "However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven." So, do not become conceited for the work that you do for the Lord. If this was what the author was trying to say by using the words" self-centerdeness" and a "wrong attitude" then I will buy it. But he needs to simplify his writing for dummies like me.
Last year, God spoke to me and told me to pray for a particular nightclub that was a major evil spot within our community. I have mentioned it extensively on this blog page as well as in the forthcoming book; "Dispatched By God". I prayed that it be "God's will that this nightclub be used for His purposes and glory". "I also claimed that building as territory for God". How surprised do you think that I was when 90 days later God not only closed that nightclub but turned it into a church! I was praying to God but by doing so I was in fact, ordering satan to leave by claiming terrority for God.
If I understand the writer of that magazine article correctly, he would want me to believe that satan conceded that building (terrority) to God as a way to deceive me into believing that it was something that God wanted". The writer would also want me to believe that I was being self-centered and having a wrong attitude? My response is simple. I was not praying to satan! I do not believe that satan heard my prayers and answered that prayer. I do not believe that God "gave away" my prayer that I gave to Him and allowed satan to conceive a plan in order to deceive me.
Additionally, as a side note to the overall article, I believe the writer is trying to lull us into a sense of false security to believe that all we have to do is set back and ask God to simply forgive us of all our sins (which is true) And there is nothing more we have to do (untrue) We are saved and we can now just wait around and wait to take that "heavenly train" and go to heaven.
I am also keenly aware of the fact that we are not saved by our works or good deeds alone. However, there is another side to that the majority of Christians and the Church does not seem to address. The Bible James 2:20 (LB) states the following "When will you ever learn that “believing” is useless without doing what God wants you to? Faith that does not result in good deeds is not real faith"
Listen, When you were baptized you made a statement to God and the people around you. You said, “I’m in!” But it doesn’t stop at baptism – not by a long shot! What else do you do? You start following the pattern of Jesus Christ, faith is proven by how we live. Don’t misinterpret this. What you do – your walking around, everyday life – doesn’t get you into heaven. It doesn’t make you saved. It doesn’t mean you’re a Christian; it shows you are a Christian.
Approximately, two weeks ago at around 2200 hrs, I responded to a home of a man who was having a verbal argument with family members over the care of their elderly mother. While responding to the residence, the dispatcher informed me that we had a hazard on the residence that this same subject had threatened to kill any law enforcement officer that stepped foot onto his property. I noticed that he was the one who was calling us to the residence for the disturbance. However, I was doing some powerful praying when the dispatcher informed me that this same man would shine a flashlight directing me the 200 yards off the main road into a wooded lot towards his house.
Upon arrival on scene, the man greeted me warmly, and I was able to rectify the legal issues involved to everyone satisfaction. As I was preparing to leave for many more pending calls on a busy Friday night, the man begin to sob and tell me that he just needed someone to talk with. Not wanting a potential suicide on my hands, I stayed and spoke with the man. I asked the man if he would like to speak with a department chaplain or pastor, he said "no" and asked me if I would talk with him, I did so. In fact, I placed my hand on the mans shoulder and prayed with him, and in turn this man (same one that threatened to kill any peace officer) prayed over me for protection. As we parted ways, he asked me where I attended church and I told him. This past Sunday during the second worship song this man walked into the service and stood next to me. With an outstretched hand, the man asked "do you remember me?" I told him that I did. The pastor spoke that Sunday on acknowledge your sins, and turning your problems over to God. Just what this man needed to hear. After the service, the man spoke with our Pastor and rededicated his life back to God.
Should I believe that this was yet another ploy of satan to deceive me into believing that God actually answers prayers?
Listen, I do believe that satan (aka, the devil) is a real threat. I also believe that every peace officer should have a clear understanding that like it or not, we find ourselves right in the middle of a spiritual war between good and evil. That satan does want to disrupt the ranks of God's first responders and will do so at any cost. But that does not mean that satan will "concede any victories" in order to deceive us that God will be done. Hardly not, did I mention that this is a real spiritual war and not some silly "war game". Besides, satan is not in the business of "conceding victories" for God. If you haven't noticed lately satan is busy trying to fill up the pits of hell with souls. Obviously, this writer has no clue has to what is going on around us.
I write this to tell you to be on-guard for satan (1st Peter 5:8) I also tell you to do what the Bible in Jeremiah 29:7 states; "Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper."
As the peace officers (gatekeepers, peacekeepers) for your city, county, state, or federal, you have the authority given to you in Romans 13:1-5 to take authority over your city and its residents. You are the protectors. I would encourage each of you to claim terrority for God through prayer. To pray specifically (and repeatedly) for problem areas in your city. Additionally, get out of your patrol car and meet the pastors in your community and help support and encourge them to rid satan from your community.
God's word in James 4:7 tells us to: "Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you"
So, stop blaming the devil? Hardly not. It reminds us that we as peace officers are on the front lines of a spiritual war and we need to fight the enemy of God.
Read Ephesians 6:10-19; "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should"
So, go forth peace officers and do God's will. Do not worry about satan, just be aware that he surrounds us. Remember, that the earth is satan's realm and that we have been placed behind enemy lines for a Godly purpose and never forget that this is not all there is to life, that our heavenly home awaits us. That we are not meant to rest and make this heaven on earth. So, be strong in faith and in the spirit of our Lord. All who have fought the good fight, all who have believed on Him, shall have ever lasting life.
So, I say, go ahead and blame the devil. He deserves it, and it reminds us that we are in fight to the death on behalf of our Lord and Savior!
May God Bless and Watch Over and Protect You!