Can I be used by God? Can God use a sinner like me? Why would God want me? I am not worthy to even face God!
Have you ever had these thoughts? If so, you are not alone. Feeling not worthy of being in the presence of our Lord is the single biggest threat to NOT having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Recently, I was speaking with a fellow Christian officer who was sharing with me, the story of a Deputy Sheriff from a nearby county who had been in a officer involved shooting in which the subject was trying to drown a infant child in a lake and had made the mistake of pointing a gun in the direction of the Deputy. Of course, the Deputy Sheriff returned fire, killing the subject instantly. My brother in Christ, was sharing with me the pain and mental stress that this Deputy was going through over the shooting, witnessing the near drowning of a 3 week old baby, the local media coverage, and of the public outcry from the subject's family that was taking place. If that wasn't enough, the officer was second guessing himself concerning his role in the shooting incident.
I explained to my friend that I wished that I could get the word to this Deputy to let him know that he should not be troubled. That he was in fact, a "hero" who had found himself being thust into the spotlight being used as a tool by God to instantly dispatched that individual to the presence of our Lord. You see, I believe, that God needed to have a "come to Jesus meeting" with that subject on His time frame and God placed that officer there at that exact time to be used by Him in order to 'teleport', if you will, that man's soul back to his Heavenly Father in order to stand before the seat of judgement.
Part of our problem in the above scenario, is that the majority of the time we think about God in old testament terms. We wonder why God couldn't have just sent a lighting bolt out of the sky and dispatched that individual himself thus saving the officer a whole lot of grief and pain. While I personally don't believe that God is not capable of doing something like that, I believe that He instead wants and uses us to fulfill His role here on earth. It is part of God's new testament plan. For example, Jesus Christ explained in Mark 16: 15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation". Notice Jesus' didn't say, "God will go into all the world and preach the good news". Instead that verse is given to us as a commandment, Jesus' says; "GO". It is directed at YOU, US, humans! Additionally, in Ephesians 2:10 God's word tells us; "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advanced for US to do.". Again, notice that He does NOT say the words; "That God will do for us".
On the day that we were born, none of us received a set of instructions from God telling us what 'good works' that He prepared in advanced for us to do. Instead, it is incumbent upon each of us to identify our own spiritual gifts and purposes and most importantly to allow ourselves to be used by God for His purposes. We are instructed in Romans 6:13 to, "surrender your whole being to Him to be used for righteous purposes".
I know that to many spiritual strong and spirit filled Christians this sounds like basic Theology 101 stuff, but people who do not know how to be used by God (which seems to be the majority) can be spiritually weak and find themselves subject to temptation by satan.
Listen, I am sure that the devil would be pleased to know that this particular officer is upset and down about the shooting. I am certain that satan would love to tell this officer "since you are down and think that you made a bad mistake, why not just go ahead and kill yourself". Could this be one of the reasons that peace officers have the highest rate of suicide? Maybe, at least part of the problem is that officers are listening to the wrong voice? Maybe officers don't understand that everyday that we put on the uniform, badge, and gun that we are working for our heavenly father. Why give a foot hold to the enemy for his victory?
So, the question really becomes why is it important for police officers to understand their Godly purpose? Simply stated, because police officers work on the front lines of a on-going spiritual battle between good and evil. Because we are working behind enemy lines here on earth. Because police officer's are God's first responders to crisis in motion. Because, police officers are God's representative here on earth to be used by God for righteous purposes, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
So, to my brother officer who is hurting over taking a life and to all my brother officers who may be faced with taking a life in the future. Please don't despair and don't weep! You did not take a life in anger or without justification. Instead, understand you have just been used by God and knowing this should bring about a peaceful presence of the Holy Spirit to rest upon your troubled mind. As found in John 14:27; "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"
Questions to Ponder
- Have you ever felt unworthy to worship in God's presence?
- Do you believe that God can use you for His purposes?
- Have you ever became so discourged in your job that you questioned where God was?
- Do you believe that God can use you in your job as a police officer?